Products tagged with Honda

Honda EG 4500CL - 79,5 kg - 4500W - 81 dB - Generator


A durable, hard working generator with 4500w power, D-AVR output, a GX390 OHV 4-stroke engine and a running time up to nine hours thirty minutes.

Honda EG3600CL - 68 kg - 3600W - 79 dB - Generator


A tough, hard working generator with 3600W power, D-AVR output, a GX270 OHV 4-stroke engine and a running time up to twelve hours.

Honda EG5500CL - 82 kg - 5500W - 82 dB - Generator


A robust, hard working generator with 5500w power, D-AVR output, a GX390 OHV 4-stroke engine and a running time up to eight hours ten minutes.

Honda EM 30 - 32 kg - 3000W - 79 dB - Generator


Quality comes at a premium, and you wouldn’t want to trust anything less than a Honda Generator for home back up. These machines deliver stable, smooth power that won’t damage any of the sensitive appliances you have in your home.